Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Crucible Cast List

                  Reverend Samuel Parris ~ George Clooney

I chose George Clooney to be Reverend Parris because he looks like he could be reverend.  He looks like a man who nice and has children, but he could also be greedy and deceitful and maybe even a little bit prideful.  He has a beard that is graying from age and stress.  He is a very good actor, and I think he would be perfect for the part.

                        Tituba~Whoopie Goldberg

I think that Whoopie would be perfect for Tituba.  In the play Tituba is a little crazy, and she summons spirits, and stuff like that.  Whoopie is crazy, and she has so much personality, and I think that she would give Tituba a ton of personality!!!  Whoopie also looks like she could be a really great slave who sings and chants!  She just looks like Tituba.

                    Abigail Williams~ Megan Fox

I picked Megan Fox because she is young and beautiful.  In the book Abby is supposed to be gorgeous so I think Megan fits the part.  She is also a good actress, everything I have seen of hers has been pretty good.  She can seem sweet and innocent, but turn out to be totally different. Abby tries to kill John's wife, she threatens her friends, and she has no problem with falsely accusing people, I think Megan Fox would be perfect.

            Thomas Putnam~Matthew Mcconaughey

I chose Matthew for Thomas Putnam because Thomas is very wealthy and prideful.  Matthew comes across as prideful sometimes.  He is also seems cunning and dishonest in some of the other films he has done before. Thomas is a prideful landowner who thinks he can take whatever land he wants, he thinks he is higher than everyone else, and I think Matthew kind of acts like that too.

                    Mary Warren~Emma Watson

Mary Warren is one of the girls who accused people of being witches.  She wasn't the leader of the group, but, like Abby but she has a pretty big role in the book.  That is why I picked Emma, she seems like she is sweet and innocent but she had a part in accusing people. She seems like she could pull of being a young girl who works for a farmer and his wife, who helps accuse people of being witches and getting them killed.  She is also a really good actress.

              Goody Rebecca Nurse~Betty White

I chose Betty White because she is just a little old lady.  She is really sweet and considerate, but she can also be feisty, just like Rebecca Nurse.  She also make herself well known, just like Rebecca.  In the book Rebecca Nurse tells it like she sees it, she is very blunt, and so is Betty White.

                  John Proctor~Ian Somerhalder

In the book John Proctor is a poor humble farmer.  He isn't prideful like Reverend Parris and Thomas Putnam, but he fights for what he believes.  When I was reading the book I pictured him being young and handsome, that is why I picked Ian Somerhalder, he is handsome and he doesn't come across as prideful or dishonest.  He is also really strong, like John Proctor who is a farmer.

             Goody Elizabeth Proctor~Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is really pretty and young, I pictured Elizabeth that way.  She is also really sweet, and I think that Jessica Alba is like that in most of the roles she plays.  She is also a great actress so I think Jessica Alba would do a great job.

                   Goody Ann Putnam~Kristen Bell

In the book Ann has lost seven children and her only daughter left alive is crazy, she is a very strong woman who has been through a lot.  Kristen Bell is a strong independent woman in all the movies she has been in.  She would be able to play the part well. 

                 Reverend John Hale~Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is crazy.  He is always the craziest roles in the movies he is in, and he is really fun to watch.  Rev. Hale is kind of the expert on "demonic practices" and he is asked to come into their town to find out if there are any witches or devils, i pictured him like a crazy weirdo ghost hunter type.  That is why I think Johnny Depp would be perfect for Rev. Hale.

Friday, November 18, 2011

!!!My Meme!!!

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
•I was living in Alabama.
• I was going to Pre-School.
•I was playing soccer and gymnastics.
•I was traveling to Florida, Georgia, and New Orleans, I went to Mardi Gras!!!
• I was playing with my best friend Dallin and my older sister Krissy.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was going to Kermit Johnson Elementary in Alabama (5th grade)
• I was going boating, learning how to knee-board and wake-board!!!
• I was listening to Country music ( Rascal Flatts, Tim Mcgraw, Shania Twain, ect.)
• I was playing lots of soccer!!!
• I was traveling to Arizona,California, Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi, Utah, and lots of other places

                                                                               5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I was living in American Fork
• I was going on a cruise to Mexico
• I was playing volleyball for the High School.
• I was just barely getting my braces off!!!
• I was watching my team, the Greenbay Packers beat the Steelers in the super bowl!!!( i was born in Greenbay)

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was at the airport, welcoming home my cousin.  he was in New Zealand for two years!
• I was making a smoothie.
• I was watching the movie "127 hours".
• I was doing sit-ups!
• I was eating dinner at Cafe Rio!

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• Chocolate covered pretzels
• Celery
• Key lime pie
• Sliced fruit,especially pineapple!!!

5 songs I think I know all the words to:
Live like you were dying (Tim Mcgraw)
When we all stand together (Nickelback)
Bad Day (Daniel Powter)
Second Chance (Shinedown)
Someday (Matisyahu)

5 things I would do with $100 million:
• I would travel everywhere in the world!!!
• I would buy a ranch and horses!
• I would get snowmobiles, dirt bikes, 4-wheelers, and a brand new Malibu ski boat.
• I would give to Charity
• I would go to the Superbowl, the World Series, and the FIFA World Cup!!!

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• Salulito, Mexico
• Pinson, Alabama(where I'm from)
• New Zealand
• Phuket, Thailand
• Europe!!!

5 bad habits I have:
• I am addicted to Chocolate Milk
• I am a procrastinator!!!
• I get distracted easily
• I am VERY impatient...
• I always spend my money the second i get it.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to laugh til I cry...haha
• I like to go boating
• I like to spend time with my family, i love my cousins
• I like to travel, anywhere that isn't home is great!
• I like to WIN!!! (ya i am real competitive)

5 TV shows I like:
• CSI Miami,and New York
• Modern Family
• Cake Boss
• Pawn Stars (I like Chum-lee, he makes me laugh)
• Wipeout

                                                                                    5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My family and friends
• Sports, Snowboarding, Skiing, Wake-boarding...
• Hiking and doing anything active
• Laughing and telling stories with my cousins and friends
• Making smoothies and eating them!!!

I’m happiest when … it's summer time, and I don't have to worry about anything, and I can sleep in.

Someday I’m going to …
finish a triathlon

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … watch a funny movie, then everything doesn't seem so bad. Or read a book, i am a book worm.

I feel anxious … when i don't eat anything

I like people who … are chill, and don't cause any drama, and they are funny

All it takes to make me happy is …  make me laugh and give me a smoothie

What I really want to do is … travel the world

I wish that …  I could speak Spanish fluently

I don’t like when people are … judgmental

A person really should ... just chill out, and lets things happen.

I just hate it that … children are starving to death in Africa, and we still waste food.

I just love it that ... Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Five Favorites!!!

1. My favorite color is Purple!
2.  My favorite animal is Sharks!!
3.  My favorite sport is volleyball!!!
4.  My favorite place is Alabama
5.  My favorite movie is "She's the Man"!